Clues and Riddles Related to Answer: Tree
With clothes of green, And bark of a dog, Search me for the goods, I sleep like a log
Clue: People climb me, cut me and burn me my rings are not of gold but they do tell my age?
Clue: I have a trunk but I’m not an elephant
Clue: I have bark but do not bite!
Clue: I grow up big and tall and lose my clothes in the fall
With clothes of green, And bark of a dog, Search me for the goods, I sleep like a log
Answers: TreeClue: People climb me, cut me and burn me my rings are not of gold but they do tell my age?
People climb me, cut me and burn me my rings are not of gold but they do tell my age?
Answers: TreeClue: I have a trunk but I’m not an elephant
I have a trunk but I’m not an elephant
Answers: TreeClue: I have bark but do not bite!
I have bark but do not bite!
Answers: TreeClue: I grow up big and tall and lose my clothes in the fall
I grow up big and tall and lose my clothes in the fall
Answers: Tree