Clues and Riddles Related to Answer: clock
I have hands but I can not feel. Look at me, And time will tell where your Map lies still.
Clue: What has hands but can not clap?
Clue: I have a face without eyes, nose, or mouth and my fingerless hands twice a day both point south
Clue: What will eventually kill even the most invincible of people?
Clue: Quick on your feet because it’s a race. How much time is left? Read the expression on its face.
I have hands but I can not feel. Look at me, And time will tell where your Map lies still.
Answers: clockClue: What has hands but can not clap?
What has hands but can not clap?
Answers: Watch, clockClue: I have a face without eyes, nose, or mouth and my fingerless hands twice a day both point south
I have a face without eyes, nose, or mouth and my fingerless hands twice a day both point south
Answers: clockClue: What will eventually kill even the most invincible of people?
What will eventually kill even the most invincible of people?
Answers: Time, clockClue: Quick on your feet because it’s a race. How much time is left? Read the expression on its face.
Quick on your feet because it’s a race. How much time is left? Read the expression on its face.
Answers: clock